Who does BI Advocate for?

Boulanger Initiative champions all gender-marginalized composers, including non-binary folks and trans people of all genders.

Why would your organization want to become obsolete?

We can’t wait to stop talking about women composers as if they're separate from other composers. But this kind of advocacy is still necessary as long as women and other gender-marginalized composers are systematically undervalued, underperformed, and under-commissioned within the fields of Western music.

What do you mean by intersectional inclusivity?

Our advocacy work is primarily focused on women and gender-marginalized people. While that is our focus, we also recognize that all systems of oppression are linked. Gender oppression won't end until racism, ableism, bigotry, and ageism end. It takes a solidarity network to make real change.

Why don’t you use womxn (spelled with an x) anymore?

While spelling the word with an x signals greater inclusivity within some communities, for others it is alienating and exclusionary, putting a qualifier on who can be considered a “real woman.” Given these competing definitions, we have decided to spell out our inclusivity, using the words women, gender-marginalized composers, non-binary, and trans people of all genders.

Why are there men performing in your festivals?

People of ALL genders can advocate for gender-marginalized composers! We invite performers & composers of all genders to help us in our advocacy by performing works of gender-marginalized composers and uplifting gender-diverse performers. Gender equity belongs in every part of the concert experience.

Do you only promote classical music?

Classical music has a long and undeniable history of being a tool for oppression and exclusion. While our focus is on Western-notated music, we do cover other genres and reject all forms of elitism.

Do you work primarily with young composers?

No one benefits from arbitrary age limits that give an unfair advantage to folks who had the privilege to start musical training at a young age. Nor should anyone be penalized for taking a break from composition - if you want to submit a piece written seven years ago, then go for it!

What accountability measures do you currently have in place?

We recognize that our organization is not yet living up to the standard that we hold ourselves to, and as a work in progress, we are striving to internally represent the diverse culture of our community, from our Board of Directors to our staff and interns.

The 1:1 Rule:

Women of color are so often left out of women's advocacy. We can't end gender oppression without ending racial oppression. We use the 1:1 rule to hold ourselves accountable. Every time we promote a white composer, we also promote at least one composer of color.